Thursday, 4 April 2013

Reduce, Render and Sweat

April Club Night
Reduce, Render and Sweat, a satire by David Summers, was the II Act play brought by Geoffrey .  It is not, as you might think, a play about the local gym, but about food.  Carenza, a cookery writer, is suffering falling book sales and everyone else, she believes, must share some of the blame.  A perfectionist, few can live up to her standards.  Carenza has an eye on what her rivals do to keep ahead of the game and thinks her agent, Paul, may have redeemed himself when he is contacted by a producer about a new foody programme on American TV.  Unfortunately Carenza's expectations and theirs are a total mismatch and she ends up losing not only the chance to present the programme, but also her assistant, Mary, her husband, Michael  and the photographer, Wayne.  But Carenza is made of strong stuff and there is an unexpected turn around at the end.
We chuckled reading the play and discussed it critically afterwards, considering how it might work for us on stage.

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