Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Autumn update

Looking ahead - working backwards
Friday 1st February we plan a visit to The Grand, Wolverhampton, to see "The Ladykillers"
Saturday 12th January is a rehearsed play reading of "God of Carnage" for members and friends with a supper.  This replaces the monthly meeting which would otherwise have been on the 2nd January.
Wednesday 5th December is a "bring and share" social at the house of our secretary; an evening of good company, great food and entertainment.
Friday 2nd November we head to Broseley to see BROADS perform "Shadowlands".  This replaces the 7th November meeting.
Saturday 27th October morning cake stall in the High Street.

Our November production is "Jug", a riotous comedy by Henry Livings.  Gill Kelly directs this gem.  Curtain up at 7.30.  Tickets from Lynne Fox on 01746 764212.  Tickets £7-50 or £6 concessions.
Friday 23rd November at the Priory Hall, Much Wenlock TF13 6HS
Saturday 24th November at Bridgnorth Community Hall, Severn Street, Bridgnorth WV15 6BB
Friday 30th November at Quatt Village Hall, Bridgnorth Road, Quatt WV15 6QN
Saturday 1st December again at Bridgnorth Community Hall

Been and gone
September meeting we read "Intimate Exchanges" by Alan Ayckbourn.
October we read "Love Begins at Fifty" by Raymond Hopkins, a farce in two acts.

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