Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Playing to packed houses

Well done all Bridgnorth Players.

Relative Values by Noel Coward kicked off at the weekend with Bridgnorth Community Hall packed the first night and nearly as full the second. There were a few first night splutterings, but it went well and the audiences were appreciative.

On the Saturday we had the pleasure of entertaining the NODA rep, Jean Beard, accompanied by her husband. She has an eagle eye for detail and is always supportive in her comments.

The set was convincing as the former library, now used as a sitting room in Marshwood House. Well done Sally and the set painters.

Thanks too to Sally for sorting the seating platforms and thanks to BROADS for the loan. It is a mammoth task hefting the blocks to and from Broseley, but worth it to ensure that the audience has a good view.

Director Geoffrey Speechly sent a well deserved message of congratulations to cast and crew. The sound effects were convincing, thanks Richard, and I did spot the authentic telephone ring. A group of four came from Montford Parish Hall to look at our lighting gear and were impressed.

The bar did brisk business – thanks Graeme.

Thanks to all who erected the kit and who loaded it and unloaded it back at base and especial thanks to Denise, without whom none of this would have been possible.

Finally, well done Liz H who pulled it all together.

Two down, four to go. Alice as prompt will be at Alveley and Highley in the role of security blanket, but expects to be able to suck sweets all evening!

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