Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Late summer catch up

I write in advance of tomorrow's meeting, when Liz F and team present their programme for our contribution to the RSC Open Stages project: "Plots and Machinations". Intriguing. To be developed over the coming months and performed late spring, with a chance, if selected, of taking it to Stratford. Whoopee!

We read "The Admirable Chrichton", written in 1902 by J M Barrie. Act I in the home of Lord Loam sets the scene and defines the heirarchy between the classes and within the classes. When the family is shipwrecked it is the butler, Chrichton, who takes control and organises a civilized life for them. A new heirarchy is established and rescue throws them into turmoil.


Geoffrey brought "The Dresser", a play by Ronald Harwood, about the dresser to an aging and rather disagreeable actor. An interesting read, though I found it a bit grim.
By way of contrast, we read an Arthur Haynes radio skit, by John Speight. The poor chap who goes to book a weekend break at the travel agent gets more than he bargained for.

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