Saturday, 4 April 2009

April meeting summary

Pat brought a play to read; alas, I can't remember the title, but it was about the attemps of two feuding nieces to remove their aunt from her increasingly expensive town centre flat; however, they are outmanouvred by the wiley old bird.

Catherine read a lively piece from Richmal Cromptons "Just William's Christmas" and Rosemary did a creditable Oxfordshire accent reading a couple of Pam Ayre's poems.

Auditions for our June Murder Mystery play will take place at Cinnamon Coffee House on April 16th at 7.30.

Auditions for our end of November production will be in June, with rehearsals starting in early August. Script extracts will be available at the June 3rd meeting for anyone who'd like to have a read-through before auditions.

Our May meeting celebrates Bridgnorth Players' first anniversary with an acting workshop. Please bring any guests who might be interested in joining the group. We need at least one more person on the organising committee to take on the role of treasurer. It has been suggested that no-one should be able to hold a role for more than 3 years, to prevent it becoming a long-term committment or burden, to encourage members to have their say in the running of the group and to ensure that no individual ends up monopolising how things are done. So step on up!


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