Thursday, 5 February 2009

Summer Plans

February's monthly meeting went ahead despite the snow. We read Act 1 of Alan Ayckbourn's "Taking Steps" and discussed how this could be staged. It is set on 3 levels in an old, reputedly haunted house, has a few items of furniture and minimal props, but does need some nifty footwork as the actors nip in and out of rooms and up and down stairs. Members were keen to offer help in putting this, or another production on, but after some discussion it was decided to leave a full length production till later in the year and do something less demanding in the summer.
Liz H came up with the idea of a "Murder Mystery", short plays in 3 acts, with intervals for supper - main course and pudding. I have heard of similar plays being put on very successfully in village halls. They are intended as light entertainment and involve a bit of audience participation, and are good fund-raisers. We shall do a read through of one of the options before doing it for real in June. See for more information.
The likely programme is one evening at a Bridgnorth venue on the 12th or 13th June and one at Ditton Priors on the 19th or 20th.
Next meeting 4th March.

1 comment:

  1. Murder plays sounds a great idea and glad that the meeting went so well. Fabulous to have a blog up and running!

    Hope all members are safe and well.

    Very Best Wishes,

    Tom xx
