Thursday, 23 July 2015


"Arsenic and Old Lace", a wonderful comedy and our proposed play for the autumn has had to be set aside for the time being. We love the play, the actors who auditioned are raring to go, but we just do not have enough MEN, even though Ralph, bless him, offered to take on the non speaking role of a corpse and Geoff, with new knees, was keen to tackle Dr Einstein.
So, will it be a different play to suit those available, or a one act, or two for that matter, or shall we focus on the forthcoming rehearsed play reading on Dec 6th and leave learning lines till the spring?

Summer social

Fab social at Richards - food, wine, glorious garden, views, sun even and to cap it all our very own divine live music from the very talented Sarah Raymond.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Auditions: all welcome

Liz Herdson is holding open auditions for the Bridgnorth Players' forthcoming production of "War of the Worlds". Audition 1 is on Sunday 15th February at 2.30 - 4.30 at Tasley Village Hall, Church Lane and audition 2 is on Monday 16th February at 7.30 - 9.30 at St Leonard's Hall, Racecourse Drive, Tasley.

Production dates are 8th, 9th, 15th and 16th May.

Contact Liz on 01746 763247 for more details.

Feb open meeting

There was a good turnout at Peepo's and a warm welcome for visitors Sarah, Sarah and Ellie. Amongst other playful delights we read extracts from "The Importance of Being Earnest", the more sombre "Journey's End", "Gaslight" and a Round the Horn spoof of the same. Peepo did us proud with a selection of pizzas with salad and chips.

The next official meeting is a visit to the Majestic on Wednesday 4th March to see a live screening from the RSC of "Love's Labours Won", but before then on Wednesday 11th February is the live screening of  "Love's Labours Lost" at 7.05. Turn up in good time to buy your ticket and keep your eyes open for other Bridgnorth Players.

Friday, 9 January 2015

2015 and 2014 review

"An Inspector Calls" by J B Priestley in November had record audiences and good reviews and made a profit to boot, so well done. It was a mammoth task for director Maureen Callon who also took on the role of producer. I was sorry to have missed it and not to have been able to help more due to a family bereavement.

The group is getting geared up for a May production of H G Wells' "War of the Worlds". Director Liz Herdson has let slip a few choice morsels on how it will be staged and we eagerly await details of auditions.

January' club night was well supported. The script for RSC's "A Christmas Carol" was a seasonal scary sparkler and we read through it at a cracking pace. BP is trialing the library meeting room for the monthly gathering; advantages are that it is central to Bridgnorth, has good parking, good lighting and is warm, also that there are good local pubs to head to afterwards; disadvantages are that it is a bit committee-ish, but we have some ideas on how to make it more welcoming!

The spring/summer programme is now on the web

Spread the word.