Friday, 20 July 2012

Auditions 25th July for comedy, "Jug"

Open auditions for a comedy, "Jug", by Henry Livings are on Wednesday 25th July at Oldbury Village Hall, Old Mill Lane, Bridgnorth at 7.30.  Limited parking outside the hall, but plenty in the church car park back on Oldbury Road - the B4363.
Performance dates: 23rd/24th November and 30th Nov/1st December in Bridgnorth and a couple of local villages.
Six men, four women, all ages.
Based loosely on a restoration comedy called "The Shattered Jug" this is a jolly romp set in a pub cum court.  The jug in question was broken when an intruder entered the bedroom of a young girl and her mother wants the culprit brought to justice.  The publican/magistrate has other things on his mind, including a sore head and the threat of a local big wig carrying out an audit on how he carries out his duties.  Think "Only Fools and Horses" or anything with the two Ronnies in and you'll get the idea!

For more information or to express an interest contact director Gill Kelly on  07974 795877

July meeting

Not only was the July meeting the AGM, but also a post-production celebration.  "Behind Every Successful Man .." was well worth doing, - so said our members, audiences and Shropshire Review.  We were really pleased at the feedback comments on the "Seen it, done it, got creative" postcards that were then sent to Shropshire Council as part of the conditions of our grant aid for the lighting.  Talking of lighting, Liz Fisher pulled a rabbit out of the bag, or rather, a new control desk.  We now need just the dimmers to have a complete package.  A big thank you to Liz and Owen for sorting this and to Liz in particular for picking up the RSC Open Stages project and making it happen.

Liz Herdson stood down as chairman, having led Bridgnorth Players in this role since its formation four years ago.  Her offer to look after publicity was warmly accepted; we know she has a talent for this, having seen the excellent job she did promoting the Shakespeare production. Maureen takes over the mantle of chairman, Dorothy continues as secretary and Liz F as treasurer with support from Pat Lowe.  Lynne Fox continues as membership secretary and Geoffrey Speechly on the committee.
We thanked Mark Rigg for looking after safety issues this past year and wished him well in his new engineering venture. 

There was a plentiful spread of food - a veritable feast.  David Kelly cribbed a celebrity picture quiz, although in this case the portraits were in cartoon form instead of photos.  Lady Ga Ga or Uma Thurman? Posh or Sandra Bullock?  We'll never know as he did not have an answer sheet!  Good fun.  Gill K read "Hamlet rehearsal" from Victoria Wood and Richard A, our host, produced a gem from David Ive's collection "All in the Timing" called "Sure Thing".

All in all a good evening.