The room above The Crown is a lovely space - a high-ceilinged timber frame hall. The down side is that over half the bulbs in the huge chandaliers were out and readers had to stand under the wall sconces to see their lines. Business gobbled up the first part of the meeting, but we all had our ha'porth worth.
Play readings
After the chit-chat we got on with a pair of one-acts chosen by Maureen: "Bed Time Story" and, I forget the other's title but let's say it was called "Hullo Out There". Both about men duped by good-for-nothing women with disastrous/tragic, consequences. Both men trappped too, one by his sense of Catholic guilt, the other in a prison cell. Powerfully read.
NODA nomination
Jean Beard, NODA regional representative, has nominated "When We Are Married", our June 2010 play, as best 2010 production - Drama in District 7. The winner will be announced and awards given on Sunday April 3rd at Sutton Coldfield Town Hall at the conclusion of the Regional Conference.
Safety officer
Mark R offered his services as Safety Officer. NODA are running an H&S workshop as part of the Regional Conference (see above) at 2.15pm
84 Charing Cross Road potponed
We reluctantly agreed to put the June production on hold. A real disappointment, especially for Maureen and those already auditioned and cast. This summer is proving busy for our members and no-one felt able to commit to the remaining parts, nor the Production Team, and without this the play could not go ahead.
84 Charing Cross Road, set just after WWII, is a cracking play about relationships that develop between a writer in New York and the staff in an old fashioned second hand book shop in London. It is essentially a two-hander, with secondary characters adding action and background, but not much dialogue. To do it well it needs a good set, a challenge for the Stage Management team, especially for a traveling company.
Men wanted for Rebecca
Geoffrey plans to do "Rebecca", based on the novel by Daphne du Maurier, in November. If you're a man, he'll be after you; if you're a young woman, he'll be after you too - as a potential Rebecca, you understand!
Rehearsed play reading
On track for Saturday 19th March. Want to come or offering to help with a pudding? - contact Dorothy.
Theatre visits
Lots on in April, both locally and further afield. E-mail will go out to members to gauage interest. Richard will sort tickets.
Thursday, 3 March 2011
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