The play went down a storm last weekend in Bridgnorth. Maureen Callon directed and the cast rose to the challenge of bringing the humour of this J B Priestley play with the social habits and mores of 1908 to a modern audience. The cast included some new members as well as the old hands and all worked together to give convincing performances. Unknown to them, Jean Beard, local area NODA rep was in the audience; it will be interesting to read her observations. Graeme Christie took on the role of producer for the first time and has pulled it all together very efficiently with help from the backstage crew. Sheena Grant was stage manager; Richard Aston sorted lighting and sound; Drew Gatlin prompted and he and Denise Brinton sorted out transport and logistics.
Now for Highley this weekend - a new venue for us. The Severn Centre is a fantastic venue. Let's hope that not all the locals are football fans, with the World Cup kicking off this weekend and England playing on Saturday!
Photographs courtesy of Liz Reeves.