Monday, 19 April 2010

"Dead Guilty"

Liz F and I must have snaffled the last two available seats at The Rose, Kidderminster on Thursday 15th April for the Nonenties' play, "Dead Guilty" by Richard Harris.
Julia Darrow (played by Kelly Lewis) is recovering from a car accident, in which the driver, her boss, died. Guilt at her affair with him creates a barrier; she struggles to accept the psychological help she needs from her counsellor, Anne Bennett (played by Judy Bassett) and practical support offered by young neighbour Gary (Lee Jones). Guilt also persuades her to agree to a meeting with his widow, Margaret Haddrell (Pamela Meredith). At first Julia makes good progress, but following a final operation she gradually deteriorates and has to rely more on her new friend Margaret, pushing Gary and Anne away as a result.
The tension builds with each short scene, in the style of a TV thriller, until the final confrontation. Even then, the conclusion holds a surprise.
The audience was held spell bound throughout and although the few laughs were stifled as the tension grew, the whole auditorium "oh'd! and mmm'd! in loud unison as realisation of what was happening dawned.
The Nonentities invariably put on a good show and, as always, the set was imaginative. A good evening out.