Thursday, 4 March 2010

June play and March meeting

June play cast
"When We Are Married" by J B Priestley, directed by Maureen Callon, is cast and the Production Team is being assembled under the guidance of Graeme Christie. Quite a feat, as there are 14 in the cast, let alone the behind the scenes crew, but we are lucky to have several newcomers and hope they will soon feel at home.

The March monthly meeting was a little depleted as several of our members are involved with other groups who are preparing for action at the end of the month or mid April. A group have already signed up for a trip to Broseley to see the BROADS production of "A Pack of Lies" by Hugh Whitemore, directed by Gill Kelly. It is a tale about the Kruger spies, friends, neighbours and betrayal.

We made a start on reading Alan Ayckbourn's farce "Taking Steps", set in a dilapidated old house, reputedly haunted by a scarlet woman. The action takes place on the three levels of the house, simultaneously, and inevitably there is confusion and cases of mistaken identity. Graeme, reading the part of Mark, managed to leave his specs at home, which added authenticity to his character as Mark attempts to read his sister Lizzy's farewell letter to her businessman husband. After a brief flirtation with marriage she feels caged in and yearns to be off to pursue her stalled career as a dancer. Her efforts to depart are hampered by the arrival of a young, nervous solicitor, her husband and the builder vendor. Mark's diminutive ex fiancee turns up after an unfortunate incident sends her running back to him for support, but it is a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire.
It would be relatively easy to stage the play; it could be done on the flat, with a simple set and props, the only problem being the need to have raised seating for the audience. Food for thought, perhaps.