Tuesday, 19 January 2010

February meeting

A change from the usual format; we meet at The Stable Bar in Whitburn Street, Bridgnorth on Wed Feb 3rd at 7.30 and it is an open meeting. The aim is to welcome newcomers, whether friends of members or Jo Public and will take the form of short playlets to encourage people to "have a go" at acting. With a pint in your hand it looks easy!

Winter Roundup

The snow and ice failed to deter members for our January meeting. "Flour Babies" by Anne Fine brought out the kids in us, except for Dave, who relished the role of teacher with a big voice and laisee-faire approach to his delinquent charges. After refreshments, we sat good as gold to listen to a story - Liz reading Alan Bennet's "Soldering On" from the Talking Heads series.

We also looked back on "Time of my Life" and agreed that the play was a success on several levels: it involved many of our members; enabled several members to learn new skills; had good audience numbers and helped us establish a high standard and good reputation.

The December meeting was an "at home" social - a bring and share food and something to entertain and was good fun.