Translated from Spanish into English, transported from Spain to somewhere in the north of England and updated from the 1970's and the Unions by throwing in a rant about bankers.
Oh dear. Should have stayed at home and watched “The Simpsons”.
October meetingI missed the October meeting, but hear that the Mortimer one act went down well as did a couple of amusing playlets by Linda Povey and a Noel Coward recitation.
Meanwhile, down in Cornwall, yours truly was enjoying Newquay's am dram offering at the Lane Theatre - “Girl's Night Out”. It was well done, with super songs and good singing. The theatre was nicely converted from a village hall, although there was a smell of damp about the place, as one might expect in a building used only intermittently.
The charity stall is booked for Bridgnorth High Street for the afternoon of 19th December, 12noon onwards, so, members, start getting creative and prepare to bake.
“Time of my Life” (27th, 28th Nov and 4th 5th Dec) is coming on apace. The set is painted thanks to a set of folk who came armed with paintbrushes and enthusiasm on Saturday. We finished in time for a yummy lunch and continued in the afternoon with the Production Team meeting. It was quite long, but covered a lot of ground.
This is a play which has quite a few challenges for a touring company, not least audience seating in different venues. The play is performed on the flat, with actors seated, requiring either raised seating or chairs laid out to ensure visibility. That in turn requires transport for seating platforms etc. Another issue is the number of props and costumes, but we are well on the way to sourcing all that is needed. The actor playing the waiter(s) needs to be something of a magician or Houdini as he has around 18 costume changes!
Theatre visitsWe plan to see Albrighton Players' comedy “Bums on Seats” in the week before our production and “Maskerade” at the Rose Theatre, Kidderminster the evening after we finish. Other visits are being planned of which more anon.